Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Choose a destination


demonic weapons are in, they dont get xp or powers yet, but at least warlocks no longer need chaotic weapons and they dont start bare handed any more. I've started play testing a Lilli Warlock to see whether things hold together with the new leveling rewards and recent changes. They do.

One thing I noticed with this character is that when casting 'Sleight of Hand' the phrase 'Choose a destination' stays on screen, even after teleporting. So I Control Shift F for the sentence 'Choose a desti" and lo and behold:

Find all "Choose a desti", Subfolders, Keep modified files open, Find Results 1, "Entire Solution"
C:\cygwin\hellband\src\cmd5.c(1394): msg_print("You open a dimensional gate. Choose a destination.");
C:\cygwin\hellband\src\cmd5.c(2374): msg_print("You open a dimensional gate. Choose a destination.");
C:\cygwin\hellband\src\cmd5.c(2810): msg_print("You focus your Chi. Choose a destination.");
C:\cygwin\hellband\src\cmd5.c(3473): msg_print("Choose a destination.");
C:\cygwin\hellband\src\cmd6.c(4770): msg_print("You open a dimensional gate. Choose a destination.");
Matching lines: 5 Matching files: 2 Total files searched: 72

The same exact code has been copy pasted 4 times, and, 1 of those times it was copy pasted by yours truly...

I guess my 'destination' at this point is to create a common routine and add some message flushing after the teleport is done ;)


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